Genre: Open World Action Adventure
In The Godfather II, players take on the role of a mob boss, expanding their crime family across multiple cities. Through extorting businesses, monopolizing crime rings, and defeating rival families, players aim to build the most powerful mob empire in America. The game introduces "The Don's View," a strategic tool that lets players oversee their operations, defend and grow their empire, and manage their family of Made Men. Each crew member has a specialized skill, such as demolitions or first aid, adding depth to the gameplay.
The game features an open-world environment and enhances the signature BlackHand control scheme with new combat options like combos and executions. Players can also engage in online multiplayer modes, taking their single-player assets—money, weapons, and crew—into battles against up to 16 players worldwide. Both strategy and action are combined in this mob warfare experience, with upgrades earned in multiplayer benefiting the single-player campaign.