Genre: Action Adventure
Merlin. Long before King Arthur, before the legend spread, there was just the boy.
A sorcerer in the rough whose powers would soon be tested.
In the darkest recesses of the forest, where the elves and fairies gather, Merlin is lured into a world where magic lives.
Entrusted with the fate of the Enchanted Lands, he must fight an evil as old as the ages. A Shadow King whose potent magic and freakish minions may be Merlin's undoing.
So begins the struggle. Good against evil. Darkness against light. Spells will be cast. Demons must be conquered. Young Merlin. The legend begins.
- Master and explore 10 worlds, each more challenging than the next.
- Solve mystifying puzzles and battle legions of ankle-biting meanies, charging swine and Shroom Goons.
- Over 4 megs of digitized sound and original music.
- Tons of animation played out in a cutting edge 3-D multi-plane system.
Loose cartridge.