Genre: Action Adventure
The land of Sindarin summons you, Kuros. This time, the evil Wizard Malkil has unleashed his fury in the form of the four elementals: Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. In order to conquer them and defeat the Wizard, you must reconstruct the IronSword, the only weapon Malkil fears. You'll journey through dark caverns and fiery terrain, discovering hidden treasures and magic spells as you go. Seek help from the Animal Kings, but beware of slimy spitters and snapping skulls. Good luck, Kuros. You're about to face what no warrior has faced before!
* Secret password to resume gameplay
* Over 100 different characters
* Continue feature extends gameplay
* 9 levels - more than 50 scenes
Fabio is on the front cover. Bask in his glory. Loose cartridge. There is a 1.5” x 3/4” rental sticker on front.